So, you have seen the GP, and the Physiotherapist, perhaps even a Chiropractor, Osteopath or Acupuncturist with no long term relief. Insanity is often described as doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result – so try something different. Many common problems such as ball of foot pain, arch pain, heel pain, shin pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, and even scoliosis, can be helped or even resolved by addressing the underlying biomechanical faults that are the true CAUSE of these problems.
Book an appointment today to see how we can help.
So, you have seen the GP, and the Physiotherapist, perhaps even a Chiropractor, Osteopath or Acupuncturist with no long term relief. Insanity is often described as doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result – so try something different. Many common problems such as ball of foot pain, arch pain, heel pain, shin pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, and even scoliosis, can be helped or even resolved by addressing the underlying biomechanical faults that are the true CAUSE of these problems.
Book an appointment today to see how we can help.
So, you have seen the GP, and the Physiotherapist, perhaps even a Chiropractor, Osteopath or Acupuncturist with no long term relief. Insanity is often described as doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result – so try something different. Many common problems such as ball of foot pain, arch pain, heel pain, shin pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, and even scoliosis, can be helped or even resolved by addressing the underlying biomechanical faults that are the true CAUSE of these problems.
Book an appointment today to see how we can help.
So, you have seen the GP, and the Physiotherapist, perhaps even a Chiropractor, Osteopath or Acupuncturist with no long term relief. Insanity is often described as doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result – so try something different. Many common problems such as ball of foot pain, arch pain, heel pain, shin pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, and even scoliosis, can be helped or even resolved by addressing the underlying biomechanical faults that are the true CAUSE of these problems.
Book an appointment today to see how we can help.
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Get The Best Custom Orthotics Treatments

In her 20+ years of practice, founder Dr. Cherye has been in continuous private practice resolving pain and creating wellness for people from all walks of life. She is an international lecturer on the topics of clinical biomechanics, chronic pain syndromes, and functional orthotic therapy. She has also served the Chiropractic profession as a professor / lecturer at various institutions in America, Great Britain, and now in New Zealand.  
We provide custom orthotics that relieve hip, knee, ankle and foot pain, supported by our team of musculoskeletal specialists.

Click to watch the short video below and discover how the Gait Doctor team can help you.

Call Now to Book Your 100% No Risk Assessment Consultation with Dr. Cherye Roche.

Can we help with YOUR joint, muscle or tendon problem?

Your foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain or back pain is not the problem… the CAUSE of the symptoms is the problem.  Click on the button below to find your problem and learn how we can solve that problem by discovering and treating the underlying cause.

Do you need a GaitScan - and What is GaitScan?

Your health history, along with the clinical / biomechanical examination will determine if you are a candidate for including GaitScan in the assessment process. If you are a candidate for GaitScan, we can do this analysis at your first visit. This will give us images, graphs, and data that will indicate the extent of the dysfunction in your feet. Then, if you are a candidate for custom, functional foot orthotics, the data from this analysis will be used to create custom foot orthotics that are prescribed your individual needs, and the individual support for each foot.

All that is required is that you phone our office, book in and then complete the intake paperwork at least 24 hours in advance. Then turn up for your 90 minute consultation.   Yes, 90 minutes! It is a thorough and educational experience that will provide you with a full colour GaitScan Report and an in-depth Clinical Report written by one of our Doctors, about the way forward with your musculoskeletal health concerns. 

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Getting a second or third opinion is helpful, but it can be challenging to spend good money when you are not sure what you’re getting for your investment.

Dr. Cherye Roche, founder of the Gait Doctor offers a “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” for an in-person Discovery Consultations. This includes a health history review, biomechanical examination and GaitScan® analysis, as well as a full written report. Dr. Roche will identify the underlying CAUSE of your condition and offer you solutions and treatment recommendations.

If you are not fully satisfied with the value in the experience and the information that you receive at your Discovery Consultation, you will not be charged for this initial visit.

Why? Dr. Roche are so confident in their ability to provide a quality, valuable service and to offer a solution to you, that they can offer this “no risk” 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Because of our success providing treatment to our patients, bookings are in demand and space is limited. 

Call Now to Book Your 100% No Risk Discovery Consultation

What are Custom Orthotics?

Custom orthotics manufactured by The Orthotic Group (TOG) can be made to fit virtually any shoe. No need to give up your dressier footwear to be able to wear custom orthotics. Custom orthotics are designed and prescribed to meet your unique and individual requirements for optimal foot function. Your feet are the foundation of your body while you are standing, walking and running. Custom orthotics optimize the position and movement of your feet to relieve the muscle, tendon and joint stress that results when the movement in your joints is excessive or happens too quickly. Custom orthotics create stability and balance, while facilitation better movement, thus allowing your body to heal.

Could the pain you suffer from... caused by your feet?

Contact Us About Our Best Custom Orthotics

Don’t leave your physical health to chance, get in touch today.

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